UAP achieved Extra Ordinary Awards in 21st ICSQCC


Department of Pharmacy successfully took part in the 21st International Convention on Students’ Quality Control Circles (ICSQCC) held from 03 to 06 May, 2018 in Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The theme for the convention was: Quality Education for Global Peace and Sustainable Development.

Honorable Pro Vice Chancellor of University of Asia Pacific, Prof. Dr. M. R. Kabir was the Convener of this convention. He is also the Vice President of BSTQM (Bangladesh Society for Total Quality Management.

The convention was aimed at academicians, quality experts, teachers, administrators and students. Students Quality Control Circles (SQCC) proved to be a landmark in the history of quality education. The program consisted of poster and slogan competition, skit competition, collage competition, quality quiz competition, debate competition and case study presentation etc. Students from nine different countries took part in each of these competitions.

Two teams, comprising eight students of Department of Pharmacy took part in case study presentation in this auspicious event on behalf of UAP.